The KAPA WHS is proud to be an official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). This nationally recognized award celebrates the impact that individuals can make in bettering our communities and our world. As a Certifying Organization, KAPA WHS will review, verify and deliver one of the nation’s highest honors.  

Students can volunteer for a wide range of other projects and services outside of KAPA WHS, but they must be in our KAPA WHS Youth Volunteer Member program or the Non-Formal Volunteer Member program.

We encourage all volunteers to create an account and begin tracking your service hours.
  1. Log your hours by creating a profile on the President’s Volunteer Service Award Verification form
  2. Keep track of your hours by downloading this Log form
  3. We certify all hours only once a year – once on May 31st.

Once your forms and logs are completed, the KAPA WHS will certify your hours and nominate you for your award.  Additionally, the President’s Volunteer Service Award recipients will be recognized during our Annual End Semester ceremony. Hours are measured over a 12-month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, gold and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime. Your recognition inspires others to take positive action to change the world!

*Presidential Volunteer Service Award Eligibility Requirements
  • Must be a United States citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e. a green card holder).
  • Must attend at least 3 out of the 6 KAPA WHS special event meetings.
  • All eligible service hours earned through KAPA WHS and KAPA WHS affiliated events.
  • Volunteer hours related to any religious and political activities are not eligible.
  • 50% of the total volunteer service hours OR a minimum of 50 hours must be earned through volunteering at KAPA WHS events.
  • Submission of volunteer certificates (showing proofs of volunteer hours) from 1 or 2 organizations in addition to KAPA WHS is authorized.  The approved volunteer hours must be from formally recognized entities (i.e. other non-profit organizations or hospitals) or from city-sponsored events.
*KAPA WHS 대통령 봉사상 신청 규정
  • 영주권자/시민권자에 한해 대통령 봉사상을 신청하실 수 있습니다.
  • 연간 6번 이상 있는 KAPA WHS 이벤트 미팅에 3회 이상 참석해야 합니다.
  • KAPA WHS 봉사시간 및  KAPA WHS와 관련된 행사를 통해 받은 Certificate Hours는 인정됩니다.
  • 종교적/정치적 활동과 관련된 봉사 시간은 인정되지 않습니다.
  • 총 봉사 시간의 50% 또는 50시간 이상을 KAPA WHS에서 안내한 봉사 활동에 참여한 경우에만 신청하실 수 있습니다.
  • 외부 봉사 기관의 봉사 시간은 비영리 재단으로 등록된 기관에서의 봉사 시간, 또는 확인이 가능한 기관에서의 봉사 시간(ex: 병원에서의 봉사 시간, 시에서 주관하는 봉사 활동 등)만을 인정합니다. 외부 봉사 기관은 2개 이내로 제한하고 있으며 Volunteer Hour Certificate을 제출하셔야 합니다.